China is the second largest global economy and the largest exporter in the world, the largest consumer of coal, and second largest of oil. ​
China has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country.
China built its economic growth on low-cost exports of machinery and equipment.
Rapid economic ascendance has brought on many challenges as well, including high inequality; rapid urbanization; challenges to environmental sustainability; and external imbalances.
A new study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong has tallied up the costs of air pollution attributed to the impact on public health and reduced crop yields.
It was estimated 267 billion yuan ($38 billion) off the Chinese economy annually!
China’s 13th five-year plan addresses these issues (see Interventions for more details):
Also, there are benefit eligible for taxes with renewable projects!
Tax incentives are the most common ones:
Those directly targeted are enterprises engaging in activities in the green sector (which are considered high and new technology enterprises), and the value-added tax and business tax incentives for energy-saving service companies.
Now, the biggest question asked by economists is: